Saturday, 31 March 2012

the gods are not to blame

i need to give kudos to Kola Rotimi for writing this wonderful play, we all know about the gods are not blame. The play strongly drives African belief in destiny and human attempt to turn it around. Gbonka, the king’s ward tried to re-write the destiny of King Adetugba’s new born baby, who should have being killed at birth to avert the... the future of killing his father and marrying his mother by abandoning him in the bush for someone to pick up. the baby grew up, killed his father and married his mother, he later did what they tried to avert. when they found out, the mother killed herself, the son removed his eyes and thenleft the village with his children, this is a very sad story. the question now is, Are the gods to blame? to me i believe they are to blame, because why should they give them a cursed child when the gods know that the parents will have to kill the child? i cant blame them for not killing the baby, i think it would have been a heartless thing to do, but look at what happened just because they did not kill the baby. i know different people have different opinions about this , so are the gods to blame?

Friday, 16 March 2012

Maybe it's love

We all know the story about Rihanna and Chris brown.Chris brown nearly derailed his career three years ago on the night before the Grammys, after he was arrested for beating up his then-girlfriend, Rihanna. Since that time he has tried to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of fans with mixed results. likewise, Rihanna has tried to move on with her life, not letting it to affect her career also. during those times, some fans were saying he was singing to apologise to Rihanna and that Rihanna was also singing to profess her love to Chris brown. lately, we've been hearing rumors about them coming back together and we've also heard other celeb's opinion about it. To me, i believe they should leave them and let them continue their love, it's nobody's business if they want to be back together, but we've been hearing news from celebs like Jay z saying he's dissapointed."We did two records, one for my fans and one for his fans, and that way our fans can come together. There shouldn't be a divide, you know, it's music and it's innocent," Rihanna told Ryan Seacrest on his syndicated morning radio show on Thursday.
Rihanna provided vocals on a remix of Brown's new dance song "Turn Up The Music" while Brown lent his voice to Rihanna's sexually-charged "Birthday Cake." Both tracks were released last month after the Grammy awards on February 12.
so, is this love?

plus size ladies

I believe we all know who this person is? well incase you don't, that's Jennifer Hudson, the beautiful musician. she's going to be my case study today about plus size ladies. "we're beautiful as we are" and "we are wonderfully and fearfully made" is something we've heard many times, so what are we saying? this lady you're seeing in this pics has left the plus size group, she's now very slim and i have to give kudos to her because i don't know what she did, but she did it well. i'm not advising people to starve to death just to be slim, you can exercise, reduce your intake of junks but please don't kill yourself, i guess she started a lot of exercise and also reduce her intake of food, but pls NOTE, we can't all be thin in this world, we need some people with flesh. and to those that are thin, keep it up, to those that are fat, please feel beautiful, isn't jennifer beautiful like this? she is. you can pls post your comment cos this is my first. thanks and peace 2 u all.